Look at this
lovely lady's blog. She's just given me this award...

Thank you Sal! Her blog maybe new but she's filling it with some really cool things : )
In true Beautiful Blogger Award style, here are my nominations...
Debbie at
Country Heart & HomeDeanne at
QuirkybootsKayla Aimee at
Only Slighty NeuroticElsie at
A Beautiful MessJane at
PosyMiss IndieAnna at
Scrapping TonightEmma at
My Little WorldDanni at
Oh Hello FriendWilna at
He{ART}Sharon at
Fairy Dust BagKaren at
JustKJewelleryRachel at
Smile & WaveClaire at
Heart Handmade7 (hopefully) interesting facts about me...
1. I am not a very organised person. I always leave things until the last minute.
2. I lived in Edinburgh for 14 months and it is my favourite city in whole world.
3. I have a super large family due to my great-grandparents (who I never met) having so many children. We try to get together once a year at Christmas.
4. My favourite colour is blue. The shade changes all the time but I do love blue. At the moment it's a pastel chalky blue : )
5. Our house is a mess. Partly because we are decorating the kitchen, partly because it's part of the whole lack of organisation thing. I'm determined to make our house look all pretty like you see in those home magazines! (eventually....)
6. I work in my parent's business. It's a craft shop in town. It's there that I got my love for working in a creative environment.
7. I WILL open my little home store someday : )
The rules...
if you choose to accept the award you must...
- Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
- Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
- Tell us seven interesting facts about yourself.
- Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you have discovered.
- Contact your nominations and let them know they’ve won.
Lisa x