Monday 4 January 2010

New ideas for a new year...

There has been so much I want to try in terms of my art and scrapbooking in the last few years but I have either been too scared or just haven't made the time for it.

Both of which I think are huge faults which need to be changed!

So this year my aim for my creatvity is to try anything, be messy, have fun and learn.

I just thought that I should put this down here on my blog because it will make me want to do it. Everyone needs a kick up the backside every now and again and this is going to be mine.

To start...

I'm going to give my blog a makeover. Not sure what it's going to look like yet. Maybe vintage with a splash of modernism. I have no idea. We'll see where it goes.

Until I'm finished though it may look kinda strange so I thought I'd better warn you all : )

I'm also finally going to start my art journal. It's been way overdue. This is why I'm hunting out a sketchbook at 11.45pm in my mess of a studio lol.

Lisa x

P.S. Don't forget to check out our latest ECP: The Challenges!

1 comment:

Marlies said...

Hi Lisa!
I agree, don't let fear or a busy schedule hold you back! But those aren't faults, they're challenges. :-)

I love your aim for this year, kudos!!
