Black felt
Black cord
2 White buttons
Black cotton
White ribbon
Toy stuffing
1. Cut out two ovals from the black felt.
2. Onto one of the ovals, sew your buttons in place for the eyes.
3. Cut 8 pieces of cord for the legs. Pin your legs in place around the edge of the spider front. Your legs will need to be pinned so that the longer length of the legs is over th felt body. This will mean they are the right way round once your spider is turned through.
4. Pin your ribbon in place at the top of your body. Again, the length of ribbon will need to be ontop of the felt body.
5. Place the other felt body over the top so that the legs and ribbon are all inside - you will only see the ends poking out from the felt body. Sew around the edge leaving a small gap at the bottom.
6. Turn the spider through, your legs and ribbon should now be the right way. Stuff your spider and sew the bottom up.
Hang your spider in a spooky setting where everyone will see it.
Lisa x
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