We've been busy bees this year in our garden. We have lots of vegetables and some fruit. Some is doing really well, some not so well. Today we harvested some vegetables and I thought I'd get my camera out and record some of our first year's crop.

Here are some of the shallots and onions we've been growing. We pulled them up today to dry out in the workshop. Some of the shallots are huge! I see a big dish of Greek Stifado on the menu.

We tried to grow some beans this year again - they aren't ready yet but they are already much mroe successful than last years attempt. We have broad beans and dwarf beans growing. I think we'll have even more of these next year.

Our tomatoes just haven't grown. We had lots of flowers on the plants but they just didn't fruit. I don't know if it's something we did or just the plants themselves. John is investigating.
The lettuces, cabbages and cauliflowers were doing really well and then a herd of slugs and caterpillars moved in. We've now learnt our lesson and will be growing them under covers next year. It's a shame because they were doing so well.
We've had one courgette off our plant so far. It was so yummy. There's more growing and I can't wait to cook some roasted veg with them.

John also got hold of some sweetcorn from work. It's not something I've ever thought about growing but I'm glad we did as they are doing really well. I'm really looking forwards to eating the corn cooked with butter.

We even have some strawberries. We picked up some almost dead strawberry plants for 50p quite late on. They haven't done much but they are fruiting and hopefully soon we'll have enough strawberries ripening at the same time to bother serving them with some cream!

Last but not least our potatoes are going great! We dug up on of our plants today. We already had quite a few the other day for dinner but today we got a large bowl full. And there are still 3 more plants full of potatoes.
John is already planning what we'll be growing this year. We have some mistakes to learn from but for our first year of growing in our garden I don't think we're doing bad!
Lisa x